Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • vkxml
    07-05 12:21 PM
    I suggested this other day - nobody responded. Please anyone attending TANA can you please contact organizers and see if they can arrange couple minutes of Hillary's time to highlight this issue.
    This is the website for Tana

    Following are the members associated with it. Can anyone get in touch with them.

    Dr. Bandla Hanumiaiah
    (248) 470 1630

    Dr.Yadla Hema Prasad
    (301) 801-6973

    Jayaprada Valluripalli
    Deputy Co-ordinator
    (301) 869-9590

    Satish Vemana
    Regional Vice President - East
    (703) 731-8367

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  • haddi_No1
    06-26 10:52 PM

    Building a Wall Against Talent

    By George F. Will
    Thursday, June 26, 2008; A19

    PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Fifty years ago, Jack Kilby, who grew up in Great Bend, Kan., took the electrical engineering knowledge he acquired as an undergraduate at the University of Illinois and as a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin to Dallas, to Texas Instruments, where he helped invent the modern world as we routinely experience and manipulate it. Working with improvised equipment, he created the first electronic circuit in which all the components fit on a single piece of semiconductor material half the size of a paper clip.

    On Sept. 12, 1958, he demonstrated this microchip, which was enormous, not micro, by today's standards. Whereas one transistor was put in a silicon chip 50 years ago, today a billion transistors can occupy the same "silicon real estate." In 1982 Kilby was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, where he is properly honored with the likes of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison.

    If you seek his monument, come to Silicon Valley, an incubator of the semiconductor industry. If you seek (redundant) evidence of the federal government's refusal to do the creative minimum -- to get out of the way of wealth creation -- come here and hear the talk about the perverse national policy of expelling talented people.

    Modernity means the multiplication of dependencies on things utterly mysterious to those who are dependent -- things such as semiconductors, which control the functioning of almost everything from cellphones to computers to cars. "The semiconductor," says a wit who manufactures them, "is the OPEC of functionality, except it has no cartel power." Semiconductors are, like oil, indispensable to the functioning of many things that are indispensable. Regarding oil imports, Americans agonize about a dependence they cannot immediately reduce. Yet their nation's policy is the compulsory expulsion or exclusion of talents crucial to the creativity of the semiconductor industry that powers the thriving portion of our bifurcated economy. While much of the economy sputters, exports are surging, and the semiconductor industry is America's second-largest exporter, close behind the auto industry in total exports and the civilian aircraft industry in net exports.

    The semiconductor industry's problem is entangled with a subject about which the loquacious presidential candidates are reluctant to talk -- immigration, specifically that of highly educated people. Concerning whom, U.S. policy should be: A nation cannot have too many such people, so send us your PhDs yearning to be free.

    Instead, U.S. policy is: As soon as U.S. institutions of higher education have awarded you a PhD, equipping you to add vast value to the economy, get out. Go home. Or to Europe, which is responding to America's folly with "blue cards" to expedite acceptance of the immigrants America is spurning.

    Two-thirds of doctoral candidates in science and engineering in U.S. universities are foreign-born. But only 140,000 employment-based green cards are available annually, and 1 million educated professionals are waiting -- often five or more years -- for cards. Congress could quickly add a zero to the number available, thereby boosting the U.S. economy and complicating matters for America's competitors.

    Suppose a foreign government had a policy of sending workers to America to be trained in a sophisticated and highly remunerative skill at American taxpayers' expense, and then forced these workers to go home and compete against American companies. That is what we are doing because we are too generic in defining the immigrant pool.

    Barack Obama and other Democrats are theatrically indignant about U.S. companies that locate operations outside the country. But one reason Microsoft opened a software development center in Vancouver is that Canadian immigration laws allow Microsoft to recruit skilled people it could not retain under U.S. immigration restrictions. Mr. Change We Can Believe In is not advocating the simple change -- that added zero -- and neither is Mr. Straight Talk.

    John McCain's campaign Web site has a spare statement on "immigration reform" that says nothing about increasing America's intake of highly educated immigrants. Obama's site says only: "Where we can bring in more foreign-born workers with the skills our economy needs, we should." "Where we can"? We can now.

    Solutions to some problems are complex; removing barriers to educated immigrants is not. It is, however, politically difficult, partly because this reform is being held hostage by factions -- principally the Congressional Hispanic Caucus -- insisting on "comprehensive" immigration reform that satisfies their demands. Unfortunately, on this issue no one is advocating change we can believe in, so America continues to risk losing the value added by foreign-born Jack Kilbys.

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  • billu
    02-27 07:30 PM
    is there any hope for bridge legislation in '08?....or this year will pass by due to the elections? there any realistic chance of bridge amenment ever being passed?....i am starting to lose hope now......

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  • A time line of Ancient Greek

  • jetguy777
    01-21 11:10 AM
    AabTuAgaGC and hopefullegalimmigrant Could you advise what date USCIS received your application for Advance Parole? Thanks


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  • bobzibub
    07-18 05:20 PM
    For the ROW category, the manual seems to indicate that they have a general date (such as in the Visa Bulletin) but I would expect that they have many visa counts for each country..... Anyone have a quick synopsis of how they handle that?
    I'm Canada btw....

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  • His dad was the great god Zeus

  • kingkon_2000
    07-11 10:22 AM
    My guess is that they moved the dates so that any one missed the train in jul 2007 will be able to file 485 and/or add spouses to the existing applications. Looks like it will remain there for some time atleast, may be till the year end.

    NJOY Eb2 guys.

    Now the Jul/07 filers will not receive 2 yrs EAD since the PD is current and there is very less chance that they will receive GC. So USCIS plays a good game.. they will have more chance next year to milk money from Jul07 filers as they will have to renew EAD/AP again next year...


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  • pics of zeus greek god.

  • Libra
    09-29 12:04 PM
    only option is they can hire some people to process application on temp basis.

    and the last recapture was a bill that was passed in congress.
    efforts are on for a recapture. but the valid question raised is: how does a recapture help when USCIS can't even process 140,000 a year?

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  • gsc999
    07-14 08:07 PM
    Thanks to all the members and guests who already contributed.
    Member contribution is our life blood.




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  • ashutrip
    06-25 10:21 AM
    As far as I know your country of origin doesn't matter under PERM. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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  • murali3000
    08-25 08:44 PM
    It is not a good idea to buy property in India now ( at high prices )
    You can see a 30 to 40% decline in prices in coming months/ years.
    Wait and buy.
    As far as loan , go with SBI or LIC home loans - slow in processing , but you can save lot .
    No ICICI


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  • The Greek Mythology.

    09-05 11:22 PM
    I missed the boat in 2007. I think the bigger point here is that people vent their frustration of their GC journey only in a blog hiding their identity. When it comes to real work of meeting people, most hide under their bed..

    If the July 2007 fiasco hadn't happened, we wouldn't have had this mess. Most waiting on GC would have quit and gone home making the line shorter :rolleyes:

    (The last line is sarcastic)

    I think even if the July fiasco wouldn't have happened we would have been in the same situation. Who would want to leave this country and go back. Many people who have applied in EB3 in 2004 -2006 know that they are stuck for another 6 - 15 years but they are still willing to wait.

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  • Keeme
    03-06 05:57 PM
    To keep the HOPE high;) One more point to consider , remember a month back there was a information going around on the # of Cards ordered by USCIS? Man, all these crazy things going around with
    a) LUDs
    b) Name Check 180 days rule
    c) # of Cards ordered etc etc., etc., is making ppl. more anxious.....

    Agree. I still blame name check 180 rule - a major decision by USCIS/FBI helped this backlogg to go from bad to worst.

    Name check 180 rule -it allowed thousands of people from EB1 / EB2 Row to get their 485 cleared and consumed major chunk of 2008/09 EB visas. Had it been not there, many old timers, would have used visas as their Name check would have been cleared before them.


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  • WeShallOvercome
    08-02 04:08 PM
    I just spoke to a lady at USCIS and she told me they just started working on case receipts for July 2nd and onwards so in next couple of weeks most of you who filed in first week of july should see their receipts..this is what she told me and she sounded very authentic..

    I think they are all on same page. Entering all applications in their systems by monday and another8-10 days for all to get receipts makes it 2 weeks :)

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  • sunny1000
    07-23 06:53 PM
    we are EB3 India---

    Congrats! What are you doing in this forum arguing over dates?? Go out and enjoy your Permanent Residency with Champagne!!!:D :D :D Good luck:)


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  • for_gc
    12-26 02:53 PM
    Not sure good or bad. but this is sure some news.

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  • anandsumit
    09-11 06:47 PM
    Cannot join the rally but contributed 100$. Good Luck Guys Excellent effort and Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!
    Google Order #628985172092873


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  • Greek Gods. :D. Zeus.

  • gcgcgcgc
    07-22 04:49 AM
    Hi Tina,

    Thanks for your reply. I am in Eb3. I am willing to relocate but you know that every state has different rules for Physical Therapists. As I have 3 yrs of experience from India, I wonder who can sponsor me.

    A lot of employers are willing to sponsor Schedule A applications, as far as you get your own lawyer & bare the costs, especially if they don't have an immigration department. So you may want to let them know that you have a lawyer who can file as soon as. Some employers already have the employment notice.

    You may already know these, but here goes

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  • unseenguy
    02-09 10:31 PM
    Well. Your parents and in laws may not need your money. But defintely IV needs it. So contribute at

    I will. Thanks for rounding up.

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  • Greek god Zeus

  • priti8888
    07-23 04:14 PM
    this is a 2004 EB3 approval! This is the first one I am seeing from 2004. So looks like they have really cleaned the pipes here, and things should be better going forward.

    The nicest thing of this whole fiasco is that they seem to have ignored country-limits and approved as many as possible. Last year they did only 9.8K EB Indians (teh final count was 17k, but that was due to ScheduleA). THis year (2007) if they have gotten 20-30K India applications out, the dates should move better in the future.

    Eagerly awaiting 2 USCIS stats:
    1. per-country per-category EB approvals in 2007
    2. number of 485 applications received by August 17th

    They indeed are clearing up the pipes, so the situation is not as horrible as it seems to be. A pd of 2004 is considered "old" so as soon as visa nos become available in october, they would be the first ones to get approved.

    09-16 07:38 PM
    Here you go another first time contributor. Just pulled the trigger for $100.
    Google checkout order #768184044370985

    And why r u not going to the rally

    07-15 03:20 PM
    Then add Immigration Voice as payee
    and give address

    Immigration Voice
    P O Box 1372
    Arcadia, CA 91077-1372

    don't I need to provide the account number of IV there.?

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