Saturday, June 25, 2011

ryeowook attack on pin up boys

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  • msp1976
    01-10 03:14 PM
    Interesting comment.....
    I am going back in a few years!..this in Bhoga Bhumi(Land of material pleasures) land Bharath is Punya Bhommi(Land of Good Karma).I am heading home no matter what!
    I think as much punya is done in this country as there is a quest of bhoga

    Every one says that they are going back in a few years...I am yet to meet someone who says they would not go back no matter what...

    wallpaper ryeowook attack on the pin up ryeowook attack on pin up boys. Attack on the Pin-Up Boys
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  • ramus
    09-09 10:50 AM
    Member Join Date: Aug 2006
    Posts: 25


    Contributed $100.00, a small contribution from my side.

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-20 12:55 PM
    Folks - there is going to be some changes in the strategy here. I have discussed this issue with IV core and we will update the new strategy soon, until then you may continue to send the letters.

    Folks who are running the campaign - please keep this thread alive.

    nk2006, pdrecap and others who are active please make sure your profiles are upto date on IV and please join your state chapters.

    nk2006, pdrecap I will discuss with you offline on the next steps. I will send you a PM.

    Can we make this thread like a sticky on home page?

    2011 Attack on the Pin-Up Boys ryeowook attack on pin up boys. Attack On The Pin-Up Boys
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  • Sunx_2004
    03-04 12:54 PM
    I noticed soft LUD on 485s last week for me and my wife...not sure what that means..

    A soft LUD today 03/04 on my/wife's I-485 application.

    I see lot of cases of EB2-I with PDs of 2005/06 and EB3- I with PDs 2003/04 have recentely received LUDs/RFEs.

    Let's wait what next visa bulletin says !

    Any one else with recent LUDs on their I-485s ?


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  • gc_bulgaria
    01-05 11:12 PM
    To be fair - India definitely has a competitive K-12 system because they are not all public schools (for free) like here. So the people who do get into IITs and RECs already have an edge.

    Having said that - the Indian college education like Gayatri said is not as rigorous as it is here (and I am NOT talking about the IITs).

    People pay a lot to go to college in the US and hence are generally more serious about their education. Fact is, a plumber can also make a good living here without a college degree. Its only those who can pay and are interested go to college. Ethical issues like copyright/plagiarism are also taken more seriously here and students are trained in critical thinking.

    In all I think both nations have good and bad. I have to READ Wadhwa's report to understand what he is trying to convey. All I heard was 'apples and oranges and pineapples' from his talk.

    Have a good night!

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  • sunny1000
    04-30 08:12 PM
    so how can you give these dot to other people ?

    You need to click on that post's "balance" symbol on the right side of the post (next to the post #). Once you do that, it will ask you if you "approve" or "disapprove" the post. Click on one of those and write your comments.


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  • skillet
    06-25 12:33 PM
    Awesome news..some hope for me..
    Filed on Feb 5th

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  • swo
    07-20 06:47 PM
    thats one way to look at it. The other way to see this is that:

    - given enough people making noise its possible to get DOS/USCIS to make changes and fix things. this has now been proven.

    -there is a lot more visibility for EB related issues now, so much better chance of recapture or exemption for spouses from VB calculations etc.

    - instead of focus being on filing 485 without visa numbers (which is what IV focussed on for a while) everyone will now focus right at the root of the problem. All 500K are now focussed on solving the main issue.

    My friend, there is validity in what you say. I think there is a general shortage of visas, period. That is the root of the issue. However, we did know that going in. So when we get stuck in that situation we have to remember to distinguish between calling for change and demanding it.

    Also, with all due respect to IV, I think the thing that most likely led to the USCIS turnaround was not our voices, but rather the fact that a law suit would have revealed SERIOUS rule breaking - particularly with regard to issuing of visas to non-security cleared people. I think the USCIS's fear of dealing with a) discovery during court proceedings and b) potentially huge finanicial damages, were the main motivating factors to the turnaround.

    There is no doubt though, that the voices of immigrants did make a difference.

    By the way, this morning I wrote to both Senators Cornyn (for) and Clinton (against) in response to their amendment votes yesterday. I thanked him from trying to bring relief and urged her to show more bravery in solving the crisis at a future opportunity. I urge you all to do the same.


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  • ragz4u
    03-16 08:37 AM
    any update?

    I just spoke with a CapitolHearings rep and she said she is going to get the technical team in charge of this to look into it

    Hopefully it should start soon

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  • gchope07
    07-18 03:14 PM
    I am confused about receipt date?

    Notice date is when the receipt notice is generated- That's simple

    Is receipt date the date when they do data entry into the system or is it the date when they receive the package even though they may do data entry a month later?

    In other words people who filed there application on July 2nd,3rd etc ... and lets say USCIS takes 2 months to receipt those cases.. then after 2 months when the notice is generated won't it have a July 2nd receipt date? for July 2 filers?


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  • makemygc
    08-12 01:28 PM
    Srikondo man,

    I dont care your fight with 'buddyinus' or your friendship with 'frankzulu' and whether you were travelling by air/car/ship - I would like to ask you a SIMPLE question.

    You started this thread saying that USCIS has a "deadline" for completing stuffs last Monday or last last Friday.... All of us trusted you that time - Could you please give us a responsible answer or status Update.

    I hope you will reply this time.


    I guess forum is all about sharing information that we gather from different sources. No body can assert anything not even USCIS. They open up the gate for all July filer, then closed it and then re-open it again when many protested. So, when someone shared the news that USCIS is not going to accept the july filings, everyone mocked him but that came out to be true.

    Forum is all about sharing information. It depends on our judgement as how much we want to believe on that. Srikondji shared some information which he learned from the CRs, now it's up to you if you want to blindly follow that or use that information as a way to curb your anxiety.

    People started cursing logiclife when he posted about the FAQ4 to be released by friday and it didn't. But it did came after 2-3 days. So someone who shared that info with Core might have just said we are trying our best to come up with FAQ4 and will release it by Friday and core shared that info with everyone. But that doesn't mean that people should take that info as if it doesn't come on Friday, it will be the end of the world and core should loose his credibility. FAQ4 did came after couple of days and all those people who were cursing logiclife were no where to be seen.

    If you put up a clause that no-one should share the info, unless you have a word from God, I guess we'll not have more than 2 or 3 threads here.

    So guys..bottom line is stop fighting over what someone said or not, concentrate on what you are doing about it.

    As someone rightly said, "Listen to all but do what you think is right". There is similar adage in hindi but I'm not using hindi so that everyone can understand it.

    Hope you understand.

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  • pappu
    09-03 10:48 AM
    I think there is more smartness needed than luck in the greencard process. If you look at the posts in this thread there are some people that came to USA in 1990s and still waiting, while some that came much later are on their way to citizenship. Some got the EB2 route and are happy and some in EB3 have only gloom before them.

    This in my opinion has helped smart folks among us:

    - They applied for GC as soon as possible. Those who waited did not give importance to Greencard as soon as they started a job in USA are now paying for their mistakes. During the initial days of career I have seen people saying that GC is not important to them etc but when their H1B is about to expire they panic and get desperate for Green Card.

    - Before pre-PERM era in 2005, smart folks took up jobs in states where labor certification had no backlog. They are now either waiting for citizenship or already citizens. On the other hand people in states like CA, NY etc suffered due to labor backlogs and far from getting greencard in hand.

    - Any company can be good or bad for an individual. It it not a question of consulting vs fortune 500 or small vs big size of a company. Smart folks know what matters them the most when they join a company. When company sees them as a valuable asset, it applies for them. I have seen where company applied for GC as soon as the employee joined it. And I have seen posts where people had to wait for several years before company applied.

    - People who took advantage of the Labor substitution got faster labors. Some could take advantage of EB2 labors and they are very fortunate. This is in no way endorsing the labor substitution rule, but in pre 2007 times nobody was protesting against it. This is a sad reality.

    - Smart folks took the risk and changed jobs wth EB2 job requirements, so that they can file in EB2. Such folks with 2007 PD are happy today and people with 2003 PDs in EB3 will have to wait for a long time.

    - If you read posts on this thread, many people have posted that they feel they are being screwed by their employer or lawyer. But hardly anyone has said they took any action against it. This is also a sad reality where we as a community have failed and will continue to suffer.

    - Many folks have said that they thought they were in EB2. But found they are in EB3. This shows another weakness of our community and lack of awareness. IV forum tries to spread the awareness but unless an individual takes initiative, they will suffer.

    Many people were able to file I485 in July 2007 due to IV effort. Imagine a 2004 EB3 India person without EAD today? How will he survive a job loss on H1B in a bad economy? We should take a lesson from that event and try for another big push. There is no other shortcut for us. It is shocking to find people on this thread that are in this country for more than 10 years and without a green card. These folks should be the most vocal folks in this effort.



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  • Attack on The Pin Up Boys

  • sparky_jones
    03-12 10:18 PM
    Interesting case, did you port your PD or??
    I think this person was indeed trying to port to EB2 some time back, but even the EB2 had a PD of Nov 2005. So even if the port succeeded, even that would not explain the out-of-turn approval.

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  • mdmd10
    09-14 02:56 PM
    Just made a 1 time contribution of $100.
    Thank you for all the good work.


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  • neoklaus
    12-27 09:46 AM
    I 131(AP) mailed on Aug.15 to NSC
    RN Oct.1
    Still nothing...

    Member of Florida State Chapter

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  • dhesha
    02-23 06:16 PM
    thats true, but when does the target timeframe clock start? when they receive the app or when the priority date becomes current?

    I just now talked to an IO and she said that last Friday the processing dates for NSC are all wrong and its a mistake. Those will be corrected soon in couple of days.


    makeup Attack on the pin up boys ryeowook attack on pin up boys. ATTACK ON THE PIN-UP BOYS

  • eb3retro
    03-04 04:00 PM
    see my post here..

    girlfriend Attack On The Pin-Up Boys ryeowook attack on pin up boys. Attack on the Pin-Up Boys,
  • Attack on the Pin-Up Boys,

  • xyzgc
    02-08 11:40 PM
    I am in the same boat as yours. Let me tell you my story and my ways. I hope you may get some idea but it does not mean you can do the same.

    I am a hard working guy, IIT bombay and came to US on 2002( H1B). Prior to that i have a self start business with employees working in India.

    The company where i am working was giving me a tough time with deadlines and i used to work 110 hours every week. I managed to get 1 month vacation in december and start searching for someone from I had a list of 10 girls born in india(nurse, GC holders) so i started approaching each that i am going to india to get married The first few rejected me and one accepted and i have to book her tickets to india and do all the marriage expenses. The girls parents did not give a penny not purchased few dress for the girl to come and stay in my house for 3 days. My in laws demanded my parents that i should stay at their house for 7 days so i did. During the stay they pointed errors on me and the same thing happened when i came to US with my wife. I was tensed, started skipping lunch and working hard with couple of coffee. At last i was unable to concentrate on my work and used to get drowsy at work. Meantime when i stayed at her parents house they wanted the daughters to buy a house near to their house and after few years come back to india. Which i told a straight NO. After coming to US my wife send $34.5K to india to buy land as forced by her dad. and after one more year her dad asked for 10 lakhs more. Which she send to her dad. They had purchased a house in her brothers name at this point. From marriage till now, we don't have a common bank account, no same last name (its now 2 years after marriage)., I have no idea about her money nor her bank accounts nor credit cards. She has asked me for divorce 2 times, first time after 1 month and later after 3 months after mariage and last month her dad and her brother are asking for a divorce. Her brother send me one email that my side was asking dowry and second email that i am harrasing her. Her brother have send me a intelligent email that can be used against me for divorce or putting me behind bars.

    What i understand from the issues,
    1. If your in laws are uncultured. Whenever you talk use some bad words. No matter what happens.
    2. If they ask you for divorce, tell that you are ready Lets do it today. download the divorce forms from the website and tell that you would gladly do whatever the court tells you to do. you will opt for joint custody of the baby and she has to pay you child compensation as per the laws of united states. (since you have spend more than 1 year in US so you can take divorce here).
    3. If you have to send money to your parents send it. you are a guy and have to take care of your parents. Marriage does not have a meaning if both sides don't work at it and divorce is very common in US. If not today then tommorrow the day will come.
    4. Be bold. don't make your weakness take control over you. If you think you want to move out to a appartment move out. If you think you want to come home and lock yourself in a room till next day do it.
    5. Learn spouse abuse terms and battery types from the internet. Never do anything that will cross that line. My wife started threatingme about spouse abuse just one month after marriage. I started avoiding her totally. My famous dialogue I don't care.
    6. Explain your wife, You know men are weak and i will do everything that is as per law. If we get into a divorce i will accept it and pay the child support or leave this country. What do you want? Make her feel that she is unsecured.
    7. Be careful in laws can be bitches.

    Bottomline :- If you get scared, you will ruin your life. the society won't respect you because you will soon gain a bad temper. Nor your wife will stay with you if you are a failure.

    Anyway, I am married for 2 years, no kids. Not planning anyway for kids . I pray to god that i don't end up like you. The only positive thing is my wife is a GC holder and earns more than me.

    wow, sounds incredible! I'm glad that you refused certain things point blank and not resorted to anything wishy-washy.

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  • wonderlust
    07-09 02:57 PM
    Hard copies of letters are more powerful than emails. Please continue writing letters because we need sustained efforts. Please also consider asking Ameirican Citizens to send letters from their perspective. See the letter template drafted by my American friends:
    __________________________________________________ ______________

    July 9 2007


    I am a tax payer and resident of (YOUR STATE). I seek your help in the following matter:

    On June 13th, the U.S. Department of State online Visa Bulletin announced availability of a large number of immigration visa, which opens door for legal employment-based immigration applicants to submit their paperwork starting July 1st. On July 2nd, merely 2 weeks later, the Visa Bulletin published by the U.S. Department of State announced that �there will be no further authorizations in response to requests for Employment-based preference immigration application cases�. This drastic change is condemned by American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) as �Bait-and-Switch� policy which �slams the door� in the face of immigration applicants who are following the laws. New York Times called it �immigration malpractice�. This has been a waste of the government�s time and money.

    As an American Citizen and a tax-payer, I have worked and lived alongside with many legal immigrants and prospective legal immigrants. They actively contribute to the economy, education, technology, culture, and research in the U.S.

    They also respect and obey the laws, even though there are stringent scrutiny and limitation imposed. For example, they wait for years to complete the legal process, during that time, they cannot travel abroad without the serious risk of being denied re-entry. Having committed no crime, they have to notify the government every time they change their place of residence � something that, among American citizens, only convicted felons are required to do. They have spent hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars on government-mandated application fees and related costs. They have underwent inordinate amounts of stress making sure their applications were complete and properly filled out in every way, knowing that any error or omission, real or perceived, could get their application automatically rejected. Through it all, they had faith in the system of legal immigration. Now they are being penalized for following the law and for having faith in the system, because the federal government has dealt with them unjustly and deceptively. Such a way of dealing with prospective legal immigrants is sure to deter other highly skilled, intelligent people from wanting to live and work in the US, to the detriment of our country.

    I request that you investigate and work to improve the procedures for legal employment-based immigration. Specifically, I strongly urge you to support the highly skilled people who are seeking legal employment-based immigration because they are actively contributing and improving the (YOUR STATE) Community and the greater American Society.


    PD 06/2006
    Member of IV since Feb 2007

    08-12 01:43 PM
    Can you re-read the post and quote relevant parts of my very first post to prove that i was assertive?
    I very clearly said that this info was from customer rep and was true for NSC only.
    I have called USCIS twice for specific information because i need t0 travel to europe on a business trip in the months of sept/oct and was interested in getting AP.

    Information in this forum or any other forum is for sharing purposes. People should take that and do their own due dilligence.

    I have been on yahoo finance for the past 8 years and read many posters recommendation about a particular stock. Do you make investment decisions based on those posts?

    You need to update your skills about forums and the validity of its contents.
    No one can be assertive in their posts and not even the information originator or its source.
    So, please refrain from personal attacks.
    I know you and buddyinus are doing just that.
    Thanks for others who stepped in and helping me out.

    Best regards
    Srikondo man,

    I dont care your fight with 'buddyinus' or your friendship with 'frankzulu' and whether you were travelling by air/car/ship - I would like to ask you a SIMPLE question.

    You started this thread saying that USCIS has a "deadline" for completing stuffs last Monday or last last Friday.... All of us trusted you that time - Could you please give us a responsible answer or status Update.

    I hope you will reply this time.


    09-11 01:42 PM
    Cant attend. My contribution of 100$

    Order Details - Sep 11, 2007 2:04 PM EDT
    Google Order #645545443708284


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