Friday, June 24, 2011

2011 fiat idea

images Title: 2011 Fiat Idea pictures 2011 fiat idea. Fiat Idea 2011
  • Fiat Idea 2011

  • ramus
    07-06 12:20 PM
    Thank you.. I am sure this thread is going to get more and more visits..

    I have changed the thread title.

    wallpaper Fiat Idea 2011 2011 fiat idea. 2011 Fiat Idea - CarSpyShots
  • 2011 Fiat Idea - CarSpyShots

  • pbojja
    09-11 09:40 PM
    Sent the book...See changes in the original msg.


    The Honorable Emilio T. Gonzalez (Director)
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
    20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20529
    My Message:
    Hon. Mr. Gonzalez,
    I would like to register my protest with you for not following an orderly method when approving I-485 applications. In the last two months, while the priority dates were current for several applicants from India in the EB2 category, most applications with later priority dates and later receipt dates were approved by USICS, causing deep concern and grief among those waiting patiently in the line before them.
    This significantly reduces our confidence in the system. Thus, I am sending you this letter with a book as a symbol of protest and with the hope that USCIS will deal fairly with all the applicants as per the rules and regulations.
    My Name
    Note: On Amazon you must select gift option to add the message. No need to wrap it.

    Absolutely , Do you have the address and responsible person for DOL,NSC,TSC? I just want to modify the letter and want to seek each ones responsibilty.

    Lets get together folks and try to get some answers from DOL and USCIS , dont sit back and relax ..Its for every one ...lets get some thing kicked off

    Stop Worrying ...Stop Talking ...Start Doing ...

    Some may be worried to reveal identity ordering online ..lets buy 14 math books from local book store(or dollar store) and send 5 books to USCIS , 5 to DOL , 2 to TSC , 2 to NSC with name " GC aspirant from India or China" ...what do you guys think ? shall we kick this off this week end with differnt message to each one of them involved ?

    2011 fiat idea. 2011 Fiat Idea from Rear Side
  • 2011 Fiat Idea from Rear Side

  • gc28262
    03-05 08:15 AM
    .................................................. .........................................
    .................................................. ............................................
    Generally Numbers dont lie (except Satyam) and I havent heard anything in Congress that may be remotely close to passing that may change the landscape for EB folks and therefore am guessing that they have not really been intimated on any urgent action to be done within next few months for something looming.

    Who knows, maybe Obama is preparing for CIR 2009 now. Before CIR he maybe planning to push all legal EB cases. Remember July 2007 fiasco happened in the backdrop of CIR 2007.

    My guess.

    2011 2011 Fiat Idea - CarSpyShots 2011 fiat idea. Fotos do Idea 2011
  • Fotos do Idea 2011

  • eb3_nepa
    07-06 12:53 PM
    What the USCIS has done today is what they call "Locking the stables AFTER the horse has bolted" ;)

    What a bunch of idiots, i swear this is WORSE than ANY of our home countries. Like I told my friend yesterday, atleast if the USCIS call center was based in India, the answers would have been consistent. They may have all been Wrong, but atleast they would be consistent.


    2011 fiat idea. 2011 Fiat Idea
  • 2011 Fiat Idea

  • sledge_hammer
    03-04 11:46 AM
    What is your rate and who is your lender?

    In my case; I was offered a refinancing rate that was 0.5% more than what I would pay if I were a GC holder. The reasoning is the short term validity of H1. Ironically I wasn't discriminated 3 years ago when I bought my house. At that time; I even didn't have my labor cert cleared. Now 3 years down the line; I have cleared first 2 stages and applied to I-485; bank charges me more :) Weird!!!!

    2011 fiat idea. Fiat Idea 2011
  • Fiat Idea 2011

  • diptam
    01-14 12:35 PM
    Within a week of receiving the RFE, USCIS approved my EB3 I-140. It was going beyond limit - 20 months for a process which typically takes 6-8 months !! The last 8 months was most painful - I was been played like a Ping pong ball between NSC,Ombudsman,Congressman Ed Markey's office,My lawyer, My employer and Senator John Kerry's office.

    But the at the end of it i would say - Senator John kerry's office really helped. Nebraska touched my case after receiving letter from them only. Congressman Ed Markey's office tried to help and said positive things but probably they don't have that much influence to shake the "laziest of the lazy" USCIS staffs.

    My company sent the RFE (dated 12/9/08) reply yesterday 1/7/09 and today they received the package. Within 2 hrs my case status changed to "RFE response received and case resumed"

    Lets see how fast USCIS adjudicates now. Just thought of sharing this milestone of my 20 month old I-140 Journey.


    2011 fiat idea. 2011 Fiat Idea Adventure
  • 2011 Fiat Idea Adventure

  • chanduv23
    06-06 01:20 PM
    Chanduv - Great to see you back here and rallying IV'ans

    My pleasure to be associated in any possible way. Yourself, needhelp, wandmaker and all the gang are experts in rallying the threads - I am just a novice.

    Come on HEROS, we need a lot of money for our lobbying efforts. We have to make every effort to succeed.

    "Every bit counts" - so please do your bit.

    2010 2011 Fiat Idea from Rear Side 2011 fiat idea. Title: 2011 Fiat Idea pictures
  • Title: 2011 Fiat Idea pictures

  • singhsa3
    09-12 11:13 AM
    I agree with you 100% but it is a separate issue and must be done. What USCIS suggested to DOS that has resulted in visa bulletin is unacceaptle.
    They practically said to DOS, Big Brother, "I don't know" .
    How can they not know how many people are standing in line. When you and I take infopass, they can tell your category and priority date and whether you name check is passed or not. How come then they are having difficulties in collecting this data and sending it to DOS.

    In my opinion

    (1) Community must unite
    (2) People must come out of anonymity by providing true information
    (3) People must walk the talk - just not open threads and keep discussing
    (4) Efforts must be well organized - IV is a great organization - we have state chapters where people can organize themselves - helps us all to do things more effectively

    The biggest issue is - everyone come here and open threads but it alll stops there - people join state chapters but do nothing - just want to get updates - and always blame IV for whatever happens and question IV and want to grill IV as to what IV is doing.

    Can we all get organized?

    Sanjeev - I am sorry I am digressing from the original plan of this thread - but lets face reality - what is the use of all these tangential efforts - you may get hundreds of replies on this thread - but is there a proper directive? No one knows what to do it all starts and ends in discussion and waste of valuble time doing nothing.

    I would rather recommend
    (1) Lets get organized
    (2) Give out proper information
    (3) Pledge wholehearted support
    (4) Be committed
    (5) Join a state chapter
    (6) Expand the community
    (7) Work hard
    (8) gather support
    (9) take initiatives to lead - support will follow
    (10) Do not waste time on unnecessary predictions, discussing waste, roumors etc...
    (11) Understand the effort - lobbying - understand that IV needs a lot of money for lobbying - please contribute - please raise funds

    Is everyone ready to do the above?


    2011 fiat idea. 2011 Fiat Idea Three Engine
  • 2011 Fiat Idea Three Engine

  • vayumahesh
    10-28 03:28 PM
    Thanks 9Years for sharing the info. My I-140 was filed on Oct 20th under premium processing and still waiting for approval.

    As next step, are you planning to do interfiling or wait and see if I-485 will be approved automatically ?

    hair Fotos do Idea 2011 2011 fiat idea. | Authors Hive
  • | Authors Hive

  • qualified_trash
    01-04 04:01 PM is the latest example (

    you are assuming that all Indians in the US are from IIT. there are lesser mortals too you know ......... :-))


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  • Fiat Idea 2011 - Fotos e

  • reddymjm
    03-12 10:48 AM
    Just send an email with details to adminstrator2.

    hot 2011 Fiat Idea 2011 fiat idea. Title: 2011 Fiat Idea pictures
  • Title: 2011 Fiat Idea pictures

  • franklin
    07-16 01:59 AM
    ...let your Nor Cal members know - I'm trying to prepare a comprehensive document with lessons learned from the San Jose rally. Sort of a post mortem "what went right, what went wrong, how to improve" thing. It may take a few days, as we are all recovering and catching up!

    Feel free to pm or email if you need anything or have questions.

    I don't want to sound like a know-it-all, but we are more than willing to help out however we can.

    Drona, from SoCal, was up for the rally and integral in helping out as well.


    house 2011 Fiat Idea 2011 fiat idea. Fiat Idea 2011 – Side View
  • Fiat Idea 2011 – Side View

  • sandy_anand
    06-16 12:58 PM
    If you are stuck at Atlanta PERM backlog center , please email your case number and explain them that your application has been pending for a LONG time and request them to help us get out of this grave situation. Also, please post on this thread after you have sent an email so that others can be motivated to do the same. We need to send as many emails as possible to get any positive feedback. I know that DOL mentioned that they will start processing our applications soon, but we need to keep up the pressure from our end so that it has some positive effect.

    I know most of the people on this forum are not in this situation ..... but let's see how many can come out of this selfishness and help others by emailing / phoning DOL Atlanta to help other brothers who want to file AOS just like them...... When phone campaigns / email campaigns happen .... we who are stuck at Atlanta help others tooo... so let's see how many on this form help us now...

    Here is the info :
    email :
    Phone : 404-893-0101

    Champak (Same as 1 and 2)

    Champak, I'm in the same boat as yours. Called the Atlanta number and left a message with my case number. My attorney sent an email this week. I have also asked my employer to do the same. Maybe I'll take your advice and send them an email too.

    tattoo Fiat Idea 2011 2011 fiat idea. 2011 Fiat Idea
  • 2011 Fiat Idea

  • chanduv23
    10-24 03:19 PM
    jsut follweod up with my lawyer and Iwas told that my old company doesnot usaully revoke 140's unless the person left the company b4 the setforth dates as part of GC agreement (4yrs or b4 getting gc ) or the person discharged for some other reason...

    HOWEVER i am still not taking chances and am participating int his campn. and alreay sent email as requested..tx guys

    Lets none of us assume that if ex employer does not revoke 140 we are fine. We must ensure that erroneous denials are stopped.


    pictures 2011 Fiat Idea Adventure 2011 fiat idea. 2011 Fiat Idea Side View
  • 2011 Fiat Idea Side View

  • chisinau
    07-30 01:13 AM
    Sens. Schumer and Hutchison have offered the Bridge amendment. The amendment has been withdrawn but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is permanently withdrawn. According to It has a chanse to pass in September, just after the summer recess.
    I believe all our efforts should be concentraited on this legislation!
    Core Team, we badly need your advise, how can we help, what should we do in order to lobby this ammendment? It might be difficult because the majority of Schedule A professionals are still outside the US..... There in US we have only our lawers, who seems to me are not willing or can help us.

    dresses Title: 2011 Fiat Idea pictures 2011 fiat idea. 2011 2011 Fiat Idea Essence
  • 2011 2011 Fiat Idea Essence

  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 01:29 PM
    Do you know how to pay online from my bank account? I checked the contributions page, but it discusses about paying through Paypal (and for $100+).

    Simply send the check of $5 to Immigration Voice at the address listed in the first post as if you were paying a utility bill. That way your bank will send IV a check of $5.00 (or whatever amount you want it to) and IV gets the WHOLE $5 and no fees are deducted.


    makeup 2011 Fiat Idea Three Engine 2011 fiat idea. 2011 Fiat Idea
  • 2011 Fiat Idea

  • qualified_trash
    01-02 07:20 PM

    I know this has been discussed in the past on this and other message boards but I wanted to hear some more opinions about it. What is the value of green card to you?

    I know different ppl have different reasons like ability to switch jobs, ability to travel freely, ability to have a job for spouse etc. All said and done how many of you would like to go back to your home countries in the next 5-6 years? I know a lot of people have issues such as aging parents back home or they simply don't see themselves living in a foreign land forever. I guess my question is what percentage of ppl aspiring for a GC view it as a convenience vs percentage of ppl who actually see it as a path to settling down in US for good.


    you should maybe set it up as a poll. as for me, I am here for good unless asked to leave :-)

    girlfriend 2011 Fiat Idea 2011 fiat idea. 2011 Fiat Idea - Engine
  • 2011 Fiat Idea - Engine

  • hiralal
    05-29 12:05 AM
    if your loan is denied while on EAD ..count yourself as lucky !!!
    my advice careful before you take a plunge when on EAD or on temporary visa (H1).
    MONDAY, MAY 25, 2009
    The Housing Hurricane Will Howl Again
    This is only a lull in the housing hurricane.

    WE'RE OUT OF THE EYE OF THE HURRICANE, but here comes the back half of the storm. A lot of people think that we've seen the worst of the housing crisis. They're talking about green shoots and glimmers of hope, when they should be back in the storm shelter, preparing for a flood of inventory that will overwhelm the markets and produce another round of falling prices

    For the past few months there has been a semi-moratorium on foreclosures. Most institutions with delinquent mortgages didn't foreclose. The signs that blanket many neighborhoods have been posted by a fraction of the lenders. Now the rest of the banks are rushing to get their properties on the market.
    Christoph Hitz for Barron's
    We're still supporting misguided programs that only add to inventory woes. They encourage builders to put up more homes and penalize anyone else trying to sell a home.

    As a Florida real-estate broker who works with bank asset managers to dispose of foreclosed properties, I get a good view of this market. From December 2008 through mid-March 2009, the number of asset managers calling to discuss REO (real estate owned) properties on their client banks' books dropped by more than 80% from the level at which it previously had been running. In the past two months, however, asset managers have been busy, with most interested in how many properties we could handle at once.

    Law firms for banks are once again lining up to file foreclosures and to process evictions. The asset managers we work with have warned us to expect a flood of properties, beginning in early June. This will hit as the number of potential buyers continues to dwindle. Builders, traditional sellers and investors who entered too early are already loaded with REO properties.

    ALL OF THE OBAMA administration's attempts to revive, resuscitate and shock the housing markets into recovery have failed. Potential buyers can't purchase homes when they are losing their jobs, regardless of how attractive the credits and mortgages are. The price of homes will continue to fall until the properties are affordable for potential buyers.

    If an investor could purchase a home and rent it out for close to breakeven, we might be getting close to a bottom. But we are nowhere close to that level in most critical markets. Until it is approached, prices will continue to fall. In fact, the negative cash flow now evident, along with the flood of properties coming into the inventory pool, warn of lower prices.

    There's no light at the end of the tunnel yet. We're still supporting builders through misguided programs that are only adding to the inventory woes. California decided to offer a $10,000 credit to buyers of new homes, on top of the $8,000 federal credit. But California made the $10,000 available only for new homes purchased directly from builders. That shows the power of the builders' lobby, but it only adds to California's housing-industry problem. It encourages builders to construct dwellings we don't need, and it penalizes anyone else trying to sell a home.

    Housing inventory soon will flood a market in which more than 500,000 homes are being built each year, even though the annual sales pace for new homes is closer to 300,000. We must also deal with a system clogged with impossible short sales, a surge of second and vacation homes being dumped, and third-wave flippers realizing that they entered the market too soon.

    FOR THE BANKS, the back half of the hurricane will destroy balance sheets, unless the Obama administration comes up with another plan to mythically mark these assets on the books. Or we might see some chimerical plan to write down mortgage payments, or move toxic mortgages into a dark pool, or create some new illusion that glosses over the problem.

    Our experience with banks' selling REOs is they realize about 50%-75% of what they initially think they will get. Moreover, their expenses to bring these properties to market and manage them are growing. Court systems bogged down with foreclosures are raising fees so that they can hire additional staff. More and more homeowners being evicted are stripping homes to the bone, removing appliances, fixtures, carpet, cabinets, air handlers, motorized garage-door openers and anything else that they can carry off or sell.

    Unemployment presents a two-pronged problem. If homeowners lose their jobs, they have difficulty meeting mortgage payments. And a high jobless rate forces more people to put their homes on the market.

    During the housing bubble, many second homes were purchased with the mythical equity from primary residences. These second homes are coming onto the market at an alarming rate, as many middle- and upper-class sellers need to raise cash. In some very exclusive private communities in Florida, where home prices are in the seven figures, more than 50% of the homes are on the market. (For more on the vacation-home market, see Cover Story.)

    Unfortunately, there are no signs of recovery, despite the hype and the twisting of numbers in many media reports. The end of the unofficial moratorium on foreclosures, combined with rising unemployment, signals that the back half of this housing hurricane is only just beginning.

    hairstyles Fiat Idea 2011 - Fotos e 2011 fiat idea. 2011 Fiat Idea Front Picture. 2011 Fiat Idea Rear Picture
  • 2011 Fiat Idea Front Picture. 2011 Fiat Idea Rear Picture

  • bskrishna
    06-10 11:36 AM
    So July visa bulletin is out ... we will see comments with frustation and appeals to fight for the cause ... however, this is a prediction thread, so my prediction is that by next week, all affected people will accept the reality and will move on with their life waiting for August visa bulletin or for the next year quota. My purpose is not to offend anyone, but this is just the observation we all had in the past, so why this time around its going to be any different?

    Now as far as those three bills are concerned ... at times I feel that they are just pacifiers to amuse the crying babies. We all can see that immigration related bill (fashion models, regional investors etc) are getting passed, but not the one's that we really want. Therefore hearings in the sub-committie and than in full hearings will go on till August, and afterwards presidential election will be the focus ... immigration reforms will take a back seat. New administration in 2009 will have more immediate priorities to fix the economy, war, etc. Immigration will eventually appear on the radar, but only after some time.

    So only movement I can see in near future is EB3 to EB2 conversion. That's OK too. because everyone has a right to straddle the lanes. Out of that stampede, some will get approved, some will get rejected, and will create more mess in the system. But that's inevitable ... and if a mass transition happens, USCIS will have no other option to bring in yet another rule to make their life easy, we all can guess ... what that may be ... I think this is one of the reasons why USCIS does not allow 140 premium processing anymore. Now those who are hopefull for EB2, my message is that USCIS can very easily justify visa wastage this year because of the extra load they got from Citizenship applications. Personally, I do not have much hope of USCIS working efficiently.

    I am not trying to spread pessimism, but just giving my predictions. We all need to think hard, as to how can we come out of this mess. Flower campaign worked once, but doesn't mean that its gonna be effective again and again.

    Fashion models and Sport personnel and EB-5 folks are few in numbers and will go unnoticed by their constituents. Other EB categories are comparatively huge. So I suppose that congress is treading carefully. If the bills does not go though the subcommittee and full ones, opponents will debate that the bill was sneaked in or piggy backed or pushed through. Hopefully something will emerge before the presidential elections. Lets not loose hope and try our best. Anything after the elections will be bound to be bogged down by CIR...

    07-18 04:21 PM
    I have a question.
    If I485 is considered for adjudication only if the PD is current. Then why are we all filing in a hurry since everything will retrogressed by Aug 1st and the RD may take 1.5 to 3 months to come when surely everything will be retrogressed. Does that mean in that situation even EADs and APs will stop.

    My wife is on F1 and I am on EB2 (Jul 04), I am worried about her status. My lawyer said she can still continue as a student and that it is a grey area the school never comes to know that she is in transition...once she gets EAD ofcourse everything becomes fine.....But in the current situation that seems a distant possibility to get a RD let alone EADs. So should I just file for myself and let her stay as F1.

    01-23 03:52 PM
    After a wait, finally my labor petition is certified according to the web site.

    PD: May 2002
    EB2, Non-RIR
    Remanded as TR from RIR in 2003
    Made it to Regional in 2004
    Ended up in BEC in Feb 2005
    Certified as of today !!!

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