Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • ameryki
    01-06 03:56 PM

    I talked to my lawyer and she didn't mention about any kind of delay so can you please give me some more details about this PIM and how does it affect the whole process and slow things down.

    Thanks a lot in advanced

    scorion PIM process is a new additional step that is now part of visa stamping process. if you read around here you will find out more about it but in short uscis office in kentucy has to scan and upload all your supporting documents i.e employement letter etc that you might have used to get an H1 approval. The embassy you will visit for visa stamping has to review all the uploaded doc's before stamping your visa. Now I read in one of the thread here that someone in chennai has been stuck for over 3 to 4 weeks after their visa intvw just because the PIM process is not done. Hope this helps. Check out this thread:

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  • samrat_bhargava_vihari
    02-13 04:20 PM
    It is an Emotional Achievement to me and free from lot of worries with boosted Energy.

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  • yabadaba
    07-11 02:29 PM
    Actually - I went to Cambridge High!! I cannot believe you missed that one!! What about Modern High?
    cambridge high is a mallu school :D

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  • akgind
    09-14 05:19 PM
    This might be true in your case but not with every body else

    That is exactly the point. How can you then argue that all PD porting is unethical, period?


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  • Clipart created by Emily

  • webm
    03-20 01:26 PM
    See my comments in Bold


    Can my wife switch to the EAD status and start working even though I remain on H1 status till my visa expiry? Is this allowed?


    If yes, then can she travel on AP while I'm still on H1 visa?

    If we're both re-entering the US, can the IO ask why is the spouse on EAD/AP and not the primary applicant?

    --No i dont think he will ask..Even if he asks you can tell clearly Primary applicant (yourself) still on H1 and derivate(your wife) using EAD for work.


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  • dhesha
    02-23 07:26 PM
    What about TSC processing dates,is that wrong too.

    I didnt ask that.


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  • Radhika
    07-23 05:21 PM
    Guys, We just got the magic e-mail.!!
    Card Production ordered
    PD AUG 2004
    RD :FEB 2005
    EB3 INDIA :) :) :)

    thx everyone for your help and suppport!!


    Thats really great news.
    My husband pd is SEP 2004

    EB3 India

    Hope we will also get GC in next 2 years

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  • mpoov
    02-27 11:47 PM
    is there any hope for bridge legislation in '08?....or this year will pass by due to the elections? there any realistic chance of bridge amenment ever being passed?....i am starting to lose hope now......
    no hope.. everything has made mess!!


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  • twinbrothers
    07-17 11:14 PM
    Hi eagerr2i,

    Just saw the message. Will send you a PM on this. FYI to other members, I know someone has prepared a list of So. Cal members which is very comprehensive. I will try to send a PM to get their details. If you have any other questions, please feel free to send me a PM or an email at

    Dear So Cal members.

    nice to see good activity on the forum. Please hold on from holding any rally until you hear from IV core. We have some good synergy amongst or members in So Cal, lets plan a meeting in the coming weeks and decide on an action plan. I would encourage you to start thinking about ideas/specific actions we can take. I have a few ideas and would share it on our so cal email distribution list. Who can take the initiative to organize this meeting? Twinbrothers? any one else? Pls P.M me.

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  • GCard_Dream
    01-03 03:47 PM
    May be we need to start a in India as well to address these issues. :D

    Seriously, I had never thought about these things, specially when you have a citizenship. There may be such a few number of people going back after getting US citizenship that it's probably not even considered an issue but worth a discussion.

    As days go by, it is becoming more clear everyday that I will also return back one day, sooner rather than later. I have some questions that haunt me:
    - if/when I get my GC, and if I return back, is there a way to hold on to the GC status?
    - if someone has a US citizenship, when companies such as Infosys hire them, do they have to get a work visa or something? Is there a concept equivalent of H1/GC for non Indians yet?


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  • yabadaba
    08-27 01:05 PM
    since this last month has been one of the most frustrating in terms of any movement from any standpoint...thought i d write another op ed
    Where is my Ellis Island?

    America is more than a country. It is an idea. It is the idea of freedom, liberty and justice for all. It is the idea that an immigrant with the determination, skills and the ability to work hard can make it. He or she can single handedly change the course of their generations to come.

    I first read Jeffery Archer's Kane and Abel when I was 13. One of the most powerful images that the book conjured up for me was the day young Abel Rosonovski after facing years of hardship and seeing the collapse of the Polish dynasty, manages to get to America. Archer describes is great detail how Abel looks at the Statue of Liberty with tears in his eyes. When he lands on Ellis Island there are two guards who make notations of everybody getting off the boat and following a medical exam he is welcomed into America. Not as a temporary worker, not given an H1B, not given a temporary asylum status, but is welcomed as a full fledged American Citizen into the United States of America.

    Today, things are not the same. I agree that I did not have to endure years of civil war or ethnic strife, but my reason for moving to the US was just like every American's grandfather, great grandfather or great-great grandfather. In essence it was to ensure a better life for me and for my future generations. My great grandchild will someday talk about how her grandfather moved here, put himself through graduate school and tried to build a better life. Her story will be the same as every other American's.

    However, today I saw a letter being circulated by the anti immigration groups asking their congressman to oppose a bill proposed by Rep. John Shadegg of Arizona. This bill provides relief to millions of us who are stuck in limbo because of the worst set of immigration policies for educated immigrants in the civilized world. What makes me rethink my American dream is not that restrictionists like Lou Dobbs are against this bill but because what is being circulated is plain lies.

    They claim that persons on H1B does not pay taxes, bring in millions of family members and produce thousands of “anchor babies.” This is the same set of lies being touted by Tancredo and his creed. Under the H1-B visa we are not exempt from any taxes that are charged by the IRS. In fact most sensible and informed law-makers have agreed that this is almost discriminatory because under a work visa we cannot avail of any benefit that the social security program provides for.

    The other thing that makes me question my decision of being in America is the anchor babies’ statement. This statement reeks of xenophobia. It goes against everything that this country stands for. It is a slap in the face for the drafters of the 14th amendment. If my baby is an anchor baby, then every single American is also an anchor baby. By calling American children of immigrants "anchor babies" these restrictionists have defiled the entire premise of America. In immigrant circles, where people understand the process of immigration, this is seen as the "maccaca" moment for organizations like Numbers USA.

    Its time the restrictionists and the American public decide once and for all what they want from the immigrants. If you do not want us here, provide Tancredo and his creed with the tools to go ahead and build a mile high wall on the southern border, eliminate all temporary visa programs and close down any legal avenues for people to come here.

    If you consider that we provide value, subsidize your taxes by paying into the Social Security program, are an important part of your community and that we help stimulate the economy through taxes and buying power, then provide Rep. John Shadegg with the power to pass the Skill Bill.

    In any case end our misery and let us know what you want. This way we can go about our lives.

    IV member
    published on Dec 20 03143688521

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  • rongha_2000
    07-23 11:20 AM
    Obama, did not vote.. Not sure why?? This is very frustrating.!:mad:

    BTW how did Obama vote?????


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  • newbie2020
    12-11 08:17 AM
    Looks like they are changing the spillover rules again from Horizontal to Vertical this is bad news for EB2 I

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  • kshitijnt
    04-30 03:59 PM
    Aytes basically gave a message, if you legislate we will slow it down through administration.

    He doesnt want to be bothered.


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  • arnab221
    06-25 12:01 PM
    Got approved just now. Labor filed EB3 on 23rd Feb Govt job. Thinsg are moving ... Best of luck to all !!!


    Dude ,

    You owe us all a plate of Panipuri each .:D CONGRATS once again . Enjoy your day .

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  • gc_buddy
    09-12 12:09 AM
    I am in..Terrific Idea


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  • husker
    07-19 11:41 AM
    People, since Aman and lets not forget other core members also (who I am sure have racked up a lot of out of pocket cost) we as a community should gather funds for administrative cost also. GC is not just Aman's/ pappu/logiclife and others core member's dream...its OUR dream, and its not fair that in spite of knowing the time and money spent by the core members we donot share the burden.
    So here is what I am thinking, there are 21000+ members of which I think 10,000 can be considered the real people (I am sure there are more..but a real conservative estimate) if we all pitch in $10 for administrative cost I think it would not put any dent in our pockets and this collective effort would not create a financial burden on any of the core members.

    Any thoughts!

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  • HumJumboHathuJumbo
    09-10 11:36 AM
    I, for one, am happy with this Oct visa bulletin. This is how it should be. First give GCs to all those with < 2003 PD. You guys with 2006 and 2007 pd should be glad you even got to file I-485 and EAD. What are you bitching about?.

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  • gcnirvana
    08-07 12:23 PM
    I still see it as 7/112007 !!! Am I missing something :o

    hi all,

    USCIS has edited the reciept update of NEBRASKA EMPLOYMENT BASED I-485 TO 7/1/07.please go thru this link.This means it is still looking after the june end applications for reciepts.


    08-12 03:01 PM
    yawnnnnnnnn...... i'm waiting for someone to start attacking & blaming others for this...... something like andra v/s tamil or north v/s south india fight..... when r we going to start that..... i'm ready with a box of popcorn to enjoy that "debate"..... lets add some masala to this.... otherwise its boring.....

    didn't u get ur GC by now with a Feb 05 PD? Spare us man.

    07-20 04:10 PM
    From what it looks like, I just want to say:

    "Welcome to Backlog Part II."

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