Thursday, June 23, 2011

badtz maru wallpaper

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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    08-10 06:01 PM
    When can we expect these Op-eds to be published? Will you be posting some kind of update here to let us know?

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  • augustus
    04-30 10:08 AM
    I did my part and called the Missouri Senator office. They said they will pass the message. I am not sure how effective it will be. But I will continue my efforts regardless. We come from a country where Gandhi got us independence through non-violence. I believe it is in our blood.

    Remember Gandhi here and march ahead for what is purely discriminatory.

    Indians can repeat this all over again, if only we put our hands together unity.

    Jai Hind.

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  • tikka
    07-19 02:17 PM
    Contributed $100 today, earlier contribution $50.

    Order Details - Jul 19, 2007 2:28 PM EDT
    Google Order #464374160968946

    so much for your contribution... :)

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  • rainy
    09-09 03:44 PM
    Contributed USD 200. Google Order #356296463228380.


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  • onemay
    04-26 09:41 PM
    Hi folks,

    I'm a desperate house spouse(H4) and now not only I can't work but I can't drive either because the current visa expires on May 10 and the new extension is not here yet. The folks at DMV didn't wanna give an extension for the DL unless I bring a new I 94. Now the poor H1 has to do 2 jobs

    1. work his but off at work to get GC
    2. drive the kids up and down, do the shopping, etc etc because the desperate h4 can't move a finger.

    Anyone in the same barrel?
    Please give some toughts.:rolleyes:

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  • unseenguy
    02-08 05:33 AM
    If the girl is working and earning money, she has all the rights to spend the way she wants, including giving money to her parents. If she is not working, then help should be based only on humanitarian basis because we never know when one's financial situation changes. I can't understand how any girl can force her husband to spend for her parents and siblings especially when she is not earning.

    Absolutely wrong. If husband and wife are filing a joint tax return, it is wrong on her part to send money to her parents without informing her husband. Leave the taxes, it was simply wrong on a wife's/husband's part to do ANY major money transaction without letting your other partner know. Its equivalent of cheating (just financial cheating). Do you think it is ok for a man to send money to his parents?


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  • sri1309
    08-17 08:18 AM
    We need support from Core members in pushing EB3. We dont see much activitiy on this front..

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  • Abhi_OneDay
    08-24 03:20 PM
    My I-140 was filed in EB2 on the 18th of August and I was heart broken this morning when I came across this memo on IV this morning....I do not have a US Masters and was banking on my Bachelors + 5 years to qualify....My attorney sent me the following reply

    "This memo deals with the EB-1 category and the memo does not talk about the EB-2 category. Your I-140 was filed for an EB-2 position and you should not worry about this memo."

    Not sure about her comments, what do u guys think?

    I was also doing some research online and found that EB-2 "Exceptional Ability" is different from EB-2 with "Advanced Degree Professionals" on . Looks like the 10+ years has always been the criteria for "exceptional ability" and most of us who are looking to substitute our work experience for Advanced degree do not fall into this category.

    Please let me know what you guys think?


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  • Pineapple
    01-06 10:47 PM
    Seriously, does anyone have the transcript and slides/charts used? The good professor (Wadhwa) might be right, or wrong, or both. But I want to take a good look at the charts and the raw data. As they say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
    Of course, it is all an academic exercise.. Prof. Wadhwa (or me) can no more affect the global movement of knowledge and capital than King Canute could hold back the tide. But, it is far better an exercise than getting in the mud pit and hurling at each other :rolleyes:

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  • pmat
    05-02 09:19 AM
    FYI... I got the stimulus check ($1200) direct deposited in my account today. I am on H1B and my wife is on H4; both of us have SSNs.


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  • guest1978
    08-11 07:33 PM
    What category/country and what PD?

    I am July 2nd filer, Got finger print notice from NSC with notice dated 8/7.

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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    11-06 08:44 AM
    Good to hear from you. Yes, I think we need to touch base with as many members in So Cal as possible. I would like to meet you all and plan out some of the things we can do here locally.




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  • apb
    09-16 12:52 AM

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  • webm
    04-30 02:37 PM
    It's on the Air now..Live session..

    keep tight!!


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  • texanmom
    09-12 11:52 AM
    Let us each take up 1 city and target all the media in that city....

    Let us make sure that every major city has been covered. Please start posting in which city you have started the media blitz and I will keep track

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  • khukubindu
    01-19 02:05 PM
    In my area there is no Infopass appointment available before my departure. What is the difference between departing with approval notice in hand and

    with knowing that application has been approved but depart without the physical approval notice in hand before departure and get it aborad if my friend mail it to my place in abroad and later entering with that . Anybody could help in this situation with some advice.


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  • diptam
    08-20 03:51 PM
    I sent the email with almost similar content as the hardcopy letter we are talking here and CC 'ed the email to USCIS-COMPLAINT@DHS.GOV as well.

    My Subject was : "Complaint about Unfair and Haphazard EB3 I-140 handling at Nebraska(NSC)"

    Also i just noticed that USCIS account where i CC'ed came back with a "Out of Office Autoreply" and in the out of office message they said its an inactive account - blah ! blah !.... which gives me a feeling someone is definitely reading the account and its pretty much active but just to avoid burden of replying emails they utilized ( rather mis utilized) the feature in a very Naive manner.

    Did anyone else received any reply - i'll post if i receive any reply.

    By the way - How about dropping a email to Ombudsman as well , saw in another thread that this approach worked ... TSC and NSC 140 sufferers can put Subject as TSC and NSC accordingly.

    Let us know how many wrote emails ( in case they couldn't get 7001 from employer) or both email and letter is good to keep the pressure ON !

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  • test101
    07-05 03:45 PM
    Cantwell office is responding. They are talked to me and actually taking care of personal cases and majority casses. Phone number: (202) 224-3441.
    They transfered me to a voice mail that Olia black where she care of these issues.

    Call people.

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  • chanduv23
    04-30 02:27 PM
    The link got working again, but nothing is happening as of yet.

    Is there audio?

    06-22 01:55 PM
    I know they have been saying this from Mid May. Lets see. I guess HOPE is the only answer!!
    the only answer is ----TO HELL WITH AMERICA!!!

    09-28 11:27 PM
    Can all of us at least send a joint request/letter to Rep Lofgren to ask USCIS to formalise a procedure for re-capture of visa numbers?I guess USCIS can do this without any senate approvals.At least ,this will decrease retrogression a little.Any major reform looks unlikely anyways till year 2009...

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